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Success Stories Opposing Industrial-Scale Solar On Agricultural-Rural Land

Utility-scale solar belongs on industrial-zoned land, marginal land or commercial rooftops.  The destruction of farm and timberland is not green.

Click on the below related articles.

Augusta County,  Virginia


Augusta Board of Supervises votes to limit solar to 200 acres.


Axton in Henry County, Virginia

Lee Clark, Henry County’s director of planning, zoning and inspections said “For me it’s about the appropriateness of land use" and saying that just because a person doesn’t own the view doesn’t necessarily mean they are not entitled to enjoy it.

Bedford, New York

Bedford Town Board voted to reject a petition for proposed solar plant zoning amendment. There will be no industrial-scale plants near residents. The planning board, because it is cheaper to build these facilities on open land, it believes that allowing such developments will serve as a disincentive to putting such facilities on the commercial and municipal sites that are most appropriate for them.


Clark County, Nevada

Clark County courts deny ordinances to expand where solar plants are allowed in the county; Citizens for Responsible Solar provided advisory support for the effort.


Culpeper County, Virginia

Since 2018, Culpeper citizens have successfully opposed 4 industrial-scale solar projects on agricultural land: Troilio, Greenwood, Cricket and Maroon.  Citizens for Responsible Solar was created by concerned residents who are committed to protecting their community, the land and the environment.  Despite these victories, Culpeper’s agricultural land remains under threat and Citizens for Responsible Solar continues to work toward an ordinance that restricts utility-scale solar to industrial land.


Nov 19, 2021 - Loud and clear: Culpeper County planners support solar plants on industrial land only. Opposition led by Citizens for Responsible Solar.

May 4, 2021 - Culpeper County Board denies Maroon Solar project request. Opposition led by Citizens for Responsible Solar.

Nov 22, 2020 - Strata Solar pulls application for utility-scale project in Culpeper. Opposition led by Citizens for Responsible Solar.

October 4, 2020 - Permit expires for Culpeper solar-power plant. Greenwood Solar's CUP approved in 2018 expires after citizens successfully delay approval of site plan. Opposition led by Citizens for Responsible Solar.

September 10, 2019 (The Washington Post) - A company suggested installing solar panels near Virginia Civil War battlefields. Locals raged — and what happened next will happen again, experts say.

Fauquier County, Virginia

County planners reject application for 40-acre solar plant in Bealeton after deciding it was not in accord with the comprehensive plan.

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Gloucester County, Virginia

Board of Supervisors reject zoning ordinance revision and restricted industrial-scale solar.


Howard County, Indiana

Howard County Board of zoning appeals voted to deny Engie's special exception permit to build 2,000-acre solar plant.


Lincoln County, North Carolina

Lincoln Cty loses appeals court litigation filed by citizens opposing Strata Solar's proposed solar plant. Application originally filed in 2013.

Linn County, Iowa

The Linn County Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-1 Nov. 29 to recommend denial of a rezoning request for an industrial-scale solar project in the northwest portion of Linn County.


Mecklenburg County, Virginia

Planning commission rejects 800-acre 105 MW Longroad Energy solar plant.


Madison County, Virginia

Madison County Board of Supervisors approves a zoning ordinance restricting utility-scale solar to industrial-zoned land.


Mt. Joy Township supervisors deny permit for 75 MW solar plant b NextEra; Citizens for Responsible Solar provided advisory support for the effort.

Mt. Joy Township, Pennsylvania


Niagara County, Kentucky

Niagra County passed a new law requiring solar developers submit a detailed recycling plan for solar panels hoping it will discourage developers from pushing large solar projects in the county.


Citizen opposition successfully prevented the Board of Supervisors from passing a pro-developer ordinance and have also kept a project from proceeding; Citizens for Responsible Solar provided advisory support for their effort.

Page County, Virginia


Smith Mtn Lake, Virginia

Energix Solar application withdrawn as a result of citizens opposition. Citizens for Responsible Solar provided advisory support for their effort.


Help us protect agricultural-forestry zoned land


PLEASE CONTACT US HERE TO JOIN OUR EFFORT to protect agricultural-rural land from industrial-scale solar development.  
We are a grassroots group of concerned citizens organized to promote responsible solar and other forms of renewable energy. Destruction of habitat on an industrial scale is not green.

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