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5.Decommission Provisions to Protect the County and Taxpayers
Help us protect agricultural-forestry zoned land from large, industrial-scale solar developments
Not In Our Backyard Report

The "Not In Our Backyard" report is a must-read. The last paragraph reads "Finally, this report documents the widespread resistance to the encroachment of large-scale renewable projects by landowners and local governments across rural America. It shows that the enormous amount of land required by renewable energy is already limiting the growth of wind and solar. Of course, other factors, including the incurable intermittency of renewables as well as the massive amounts of materials, including steel, concrete, copper, and rare earth elements, will limit the deployment of wind and solar. But the biggest barrier is the land-use problem. The ferocity and extent of rural land-use conflicts are showing that any attempt to convert the domestic economy to run solely on renewables is destined to fail."
View highlighted excerpts below.

Help us protect agricultural-forestry zoned land
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