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Protect rural land and communities.

We believe that true “green” energy solutions do not involve destroying farmlands, forests, wildlife habitat, families, and homes.

Rural communities are under attack from big, corporate solar developers (some foreign) who want to build large-scale, industrial solar power plants on agricultural-and forestry-zoned land to take advantage of lower development costs.
Solar belongs on rooftops, near highways, commercial, industrial-zoned land, marginal or contaminated areas, not on rural-agricultural land.

Forests cover about 30 percent of the planet's land mass, but humans are cutting them down, clearing these essential habitats on a massive scale.
Read Full Article from National Geographic here
We really don’t recognize how fragile our agriculture system is. Today it’s under stress.
At some stage the system will start to break down, but the question is when the decline reaches a point of no return.
Dr. Ron Heiniger (Professor and Crop Scientist)
Help us protect agricultural-forestry zoned land
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